our fantastic testimonials

Testimonials from our Train the Trainer, Coaching and Management training.  People who invest in our training agree that it’s the best and most up to date training available:

"The course was one of the best I have attended. Scott had a great way about him and got the best out of me." Jonathan Donnelly, Orsted.

"The training was brilliant, made everyone comfortable. I have managed to come out of my We think our testimonials are fantastic but...comfortzone.  Highly recommend, Claire was perfect and has met my needs more than I expected." Fidelis Mataya, Health and Promotion Officer.

"Trainer was amazing and knowledgeable.  I have learnt a huge amount and imporved my confidence in delivering training.  I wish it could have been longer." Rochelle Browne, Terrance Higgins Trust.

"Claire’s vast experience shines through in her classes and guarantees excellent well-structured training. I have had the pleasure of attending several training courses with Claire and each one has helped me grow professionally and personally; her enthusiasm and dedication to training and in particular to Coaching are inspirational!.’’ Mark Adams, Haskel Engineering.

“I found the PTT Train the Trainer Course through a search engine. I did my research and Target Training Associates had some great reviews – and they didn’t fail to deliver. From the moment I arrived, I was greeted by Ralph with a great big smile and a warm welcome. I was made to feel at ease and was introduced to our team for the course. Our group was a full course and we all got on superbly well! Ralph’s approach was personable, patient and engaging. Nothing was too much trouble for him. As well as group feedback, we had the opportunity for one to one feedback too which was hugely beneficial. Although I had some experience of facilitating training, I learnt skills that I will carry with me for the rest of my career. I have no doubt that Ralph would be an inspirational mentor. His ability to relate to situations is second to none and I found him a pleasure to learn from. I highly recommend Target Training Associates as a credible and reliable training provider.” Caroline Day, One Medical Group.

"My team are still talking about it and how fantastic it was delivered by Scott. As I said on the day, I have had delivery of similar courses through the years and yours was the best by a mile".  Neil Jenkins, Hampshire County Council. 

“I cannot remember the last time I attended a course that I enjoyed as much as the PTT Train the Trainer course this week. The course was fulfilling from a learning perspective as well as entertaining from an activity & enjoyment perspective. The boundaries of individuals were tested throughout the course and I did not anticipate to see such immediate improvement in myself and peers.” Paul Williams, Schawk.

"Having done many train the trainer courses in my 40 + year career, none, absolutely none gave me the tools or advice that I received from Target." Derrick Norton, Iberdrola Engineering & Construction.

“The PTT course that Ralph and Target Training provides is so much more than just an ordinary training course. I am absolutely buzzing with confidence after 2 days of training and I am now desperate to put my new skills to the test. The training was delivered with the upmost professionalism and definitely the best training course I have ever attended, I cannot speak highly enough about the whole experience."  Richard Darnell, Whitworths Ltd.

"After the course had ended, I delivered a training session which received excellent feedback – something I attribute to the new skills I learned on the PTT course. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this course to colleagues and when I need further training, Target Training will be my first port of call. it was definitely the best training course I’ve ever been on!"  Ruth Hawke, SYHA.

"In returning back to the workplace today, I feel empowered to deliver first class training; benefitting the organisation through the up-skilling of our workforce and the more effective dissemination of information.  I would not hesitate to recommend this course to anyone who feels they need more effective training skills….and also those who think they already have them!" Angela Haykin, Aker Solutions.

“The structure of the course and knowledge of the trainer was superb.  First class training course and many new techniques learnt during the course and I would highly recommend.” John Cadden, ACS Physical Risk Control.

"Scott, I’ve been buzzing around work today talking about the skills which I picked up from your course. It really was a fantastic and valuable experience that has sent me back to work feeling ready to train better than I have before.  I felt like the content was perfectly applicable to my day to day role and your delivery and guidance was spot on." Pete Sunday, Gamma.

“I attended the PTT Course, provided by Target Training Associates, led by the King of positivity, Ralph Moody. It was such an insightful two days and I took away more than I thought possible about different training techniques and how to ensure delegates are actually benefitting from the training courses that I run. This was not a generic course by any means, Ralph was able to tailor the course throughout using real life situations from his impressive career, which was really helpful. I will be recommending Target Training Associates at every opportunity and convincing my management team to sign me up to more of their courses.” Joel Evans, Triaster.

“I just wanted to say that the course you ran last week was one of the best I have attended in a very long time. I was not sure what I was going to take away from this when I was booked on to it but the content of the course and the delivery was first class with great interaction and very enjoyable.  As an HSE advisor, delivering material is part of my job and the skills you taught us last week are already being utilisedto great effect.  I have sent feedback to our HR team highlighting the benefits of the course and I would have no hesitation in recommending this course to my colleagues in oil and gas.”  John Riddick, Wood Group.

“I originally approached this course with a little trepidation prior to its start.  All I can say is that it is possibly the best training course I have been on.  I have learnt so much from just two days, that I can already notice the changes in the way I deliver and design training and presentation activities.  I can honestly say that I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking to get into training, or has been delivering training for some time. Can’t rate it highly enough!”  Matt Retallack, Landmark Information Group.

“The course was genuinely the best and most enjoyable I have ever been on so a big thank you for your time and effort over the past few days.”  Steffan Roberts, 2excel Aviation.

“The person walking into the course compared to the person leaving the course you couldn’t even compare, they two totally different people.  The skills and knowledge which both David and myself obtained in those two days go above and beyond of which we can apply in all aspects of life and not just teaching.  Yes the course is intense and you are completely pulled out of your comfort zones on a number of occasions but it really works and the sense of achievement and self-belief which I am taking away with me I am truly grateful for.  The course is without a doubt one of the best that I have attended from a practical and theoretic point of view, I really feel as though I am leaving as a true professional.  Thank you to you Scott.”  Samantha Wright, Aerospace Inspection Training Ltd.

“I have learned a HUGE amount, most enjoyable training course I have ever been on.”  Dr Joseph Muench, Pharmaserve North West.  

“In discussion this morning I absolutely enthused about the experience of the last two days.  I am certain I will need a few days/months/years to process and reflect on everything now that I’m back at work. I feel I have made a huge shift in my thinking and perceptions of self in the last few days, not only in learning some exceptional skills and techniques, but also personally." Marion Eastwood, Regents University. 

“As a solicitor, I have been on many courses, this is the best course I have ever attended during my professional career.” Sarah Bloor, Winn Solicitors.

“The practical opportunities to practice these new found skills and the opportunity to receive constructive feedback throughout the course is hugely beneficial not just you, but to the whole group as we all learnt so much from one another. Thoroughly enjoyable and you won't want to go back to your desk afterwards, I know I certainly didn't!!! Fantastic course and well worth anyone's time if they are interested in developing training skills.” Helen Carvey, UKIM.

“The course was amazing, in fact, if there is a word better than that then I would use it. It was intense and at the same time life changing. The feedback added to the process. I feel like a different person with so much energy. I have attended courses ( I mean a lot), I have to say your course is by far the best.” Viv Okuguni, IG Index.

“Without doubt, it was the most useful course that I have ever been on.  I have learnt skills that can be applied inside and outside the workplace.”  Lewis O’Sullivan, Skills Funding Agency. 

“I wanted to e-mail you to say again how marvellous your training was, and how much I have learned.  Actually, I know that I have grown personally too by the whole experience.  I will definitely recommend you to all and sundry!  My all time favourite saying which, I believe, is originally from Isaac Newton, goes something like “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”   You are definitely one of my ‘giants’!”  Aileen Hughes, H&S Consultant.

"I can't believe what we have covered over the last couple of days.  I think it was one of the most interesting, mind-blowing experiences I have had and I feel like a different person.  Ralph made sure I understood and that I had the skills to be a FANTASTIC TRAINER." Sandy Dodd, Tuxford Academy.

"Never have I experienced such impactive, positive and knowledgeable training as I did when I attended the Advanced Professional Training Techniques course, delivered by Ralph in Edinburgh. The facilitation of inclusive participation, the motivating delivery and the exceptionally positive reinforcement of skills with constructive identification of areas for development were second to none I have experienced.  Exceptional!"  Andrew Graham, Graham Consultancy. 

People who have already decided to invest in our training find that it brings incredible results.  Open courses take place at venues throughout the UK and we also offer in-house adpated as required, it's easy to book now via the website or by contacting us on +44 (0)800 302 9344 or email info@targettrg.co.uk  

Our courses can be tailored to meet the particular training needs of your business or organisation and delivered worldwide if required.