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Online Courses
Our online management and corporate training courses and webinars aren't just videos, they are fully interactive live broadcast sessions, and you will learn as you would in a classroom. Find out more about how our online company development and management training courses can help improve your workplace culture and business performance.
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train the trainer training
Our ILM-accredited Train the Trainer courses will provide you with brilliant trainer skills and offers a pathway to be a certified professional trainer. Whether you require a formal qualification or need to develop your trainer skills further, from novice to expert, our in-person Train-the-Trainer training based in London is perfect for you.
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Our MSc qualified master practitioners offer individual coaching sessions, coaching qualifications plus coaching courses for managers and trainers. We offer accredited courses for individuals who require coaching skills, one-to-one coaching for individual and team development, and coaching supervision to support coaches. Our coaching services can be offered face-to-face in London and across the UK, or if appropriate, online, giving us a global reach.
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Leadership & Management
Our accredited programmes are aimed at new and experienced managers and are designed to improve key management and leadership skills. Completing one of our management and leadership courses improves confidence and provides you with a skill set you can use in all typical performance management situations.
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in-house training
We offer training to suit your particular needs and can provide bespoke training solutions which can be delivered at your premises. We can deliver in-house training to suit your needs whether you’re based in London or elsewhere in the UK. We can also adapt established courses in training, management and coaching to provide you with a bespoke service. In-house training delivery is a specialism of ours and offers many advantages.
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open courses
Our open courses are held in select UK locations and remotely using our virtual platform. They are a great way of developing your skills and meeting people from different backgrounds and levels. See the schedule and book places for all our open train the trainer, coaching and management courses available at select venues in London and across the UK.
More infomeet the team
Here you can meet our brilliant team of trainers and coaches . Read all about their specialisations and experiences. Our team have vast experience in coaching, training, and management areas. We pride ourselves on delivering the best possible training to our clients, and we guarantee it will fit your training need requirements.
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