There are so many coaches and different coaching certificates that it is difficult to decide where to go to receive quality coaching. Most importantly, where do the coaches go to develop? I think it is essential to understand “what is a good coach” and “what is a good supervisor”. The main point of this blog is who looks after the coaches? They carry so much from their clients and why supervision is needed.

All coaches need supervision, good coaches will receive quality supervision already, mainly because they understand coaching and the quality required for improvement. There are lots of certificates appearing all over the internet offering supervision training, just like coaching. These may not be of good quality; you need to be aware of what good supervision looks like.

When you decide to improve your coaching practice and need somewhere to go to receive guidance, then quality supervision is what is needed.  To understand quality when anyone decides on coaching supervision then look for EMCC/ICF senior supervision levels, which is the top and you know you will be working with someone who has been through a rigorous accreditation process. Assurance and standards are important, and if the supervisor holds the top senior levels, then you know you are dealing with an excellent standard.

Everyone needs supervision; coaches need to feel safe to discuss their thoughts on their clients and look at the process in the relationships. Supervision creates a safe environment to look at the relationships, really noticing and sensing what may be happening and what may have been missed. It is another layer in the relationship between people. Coaching supervision is fantastic continuous professional development, why wouldn't you look to develop further?

Supervision provides a safe, supportive opportunity for individuals to engage in critical reflection. Exploring problems and looking at new ways of handling self and the situation in their coaching practice.

If you are a coach and would like to join a supervision session either as a group or individually, then contact Claire on

Claire Moody is our head coach at Target Training, and you can read more about her here.  She delivers training on all personal development, coaching and numerous training the trainer courses.