November 2019

  1. Coaching - Do you notice the dance that happens when people meet?

    Coaching - Do you notice the dance that happens when people meet?
    What happens when you meet someone, how does the rapport build, what do you do as a coach along with what the coachee does? I am always amused by those first few moments in a meeting whether it is with the person, walking into an office, skype, etc. Think about you, what do you do? Notice your movements, your introductions...
  2. Management - Decisions and why we don’t make them

    Management - Decisions and why we don’t make them
    One thing for sure if you are a manager, you are going to be involved in making decisions.  I guarantee this 100% and if you’re not involved in decision making then to be perfectly honest, you’re not doing your job.  As a manager, if we don’t make decisions, then we will not get things done.  As I reflect on past...
  3. Training - Be a smiler!

    Training - Be a smiler!
    Like most people I love holidays and on a recent trip to the USA, I visited a local pizza shop where I met a lady who greeted me with a beautiful, friendly smile asking me how I was doing and what she could help me with; “Service with a smile, she looks like she really loves her job” I thought...
  4. Coaching - staying silent and noticing

    Coaching - staying silent and noticing
    How often do you stay silent and notice? Think about it “really notice”. Coaching is a fantastic process for individuals to improve in any area of their life, both professionally and personally. I have found since mastering my coaching skills; staying silent can be an incredible experience. I genuinely love to see the change in individuals as they move between...
  5. Management - How to be happy at work

    Management - How to be happy at work
    The reality is that we spend most of our time, in our adult life, at work, an average of around 40 years.  Think about that for a second.  Is it, therefore, reasonable to be happy at work?  Why would you not want to be happy?  Do you want to spend these 40 years being unhappy? The reality is though, is that...
  6. Training - Is your training headed for the recycle bin?

    Training - Is your training headed for the recycle bin?
    As a great trainer, you will be making sure that you are evaluating at the point you’ve delivered to get that all-important feedback straight away, but how are you delivering it?  We talk about making sure our training is interactive and engaging but is your evaluation the same? There are lots of different ways that we can evaluate with our...
  7. News - Fantastic savings in our November sale

    News - Fantastic savings in our November sale
    We are happy to announce our big November sale this month. An excellent opportunity to book and reserve courses at special discount prices this month.  A selection of our courses is only going to be available at special discount prices for a limited time.  This is a fantastic opportunity to make the best use of a training budget allocation, book a...
  8. Coaching - Do you ever reflect on how someone greets you?

    Coaching - Do you ever reflect on how someone greets you?
    Whenever I coach, I have always kept a record on how I am greeted. It is interesting to observe what you notice by both the person who greets you and how you react by the greeting. Sometimes there are masses of energy, sometimes not, how does that affect you, what judgements do you create from this and how does this...
  9. Management - The art of delegation stage 4

    Management - The art of delegation stage 4
    Stage 4 and the final stage in the delegation process is the art of giving feedback.  We must provide feedback, and if we don't, we have a potentially dangerous situation where the individual concerned believes they have done a competent job if they haven't, then they must be made aware. Always give feedback immediately after the work, don't give it too...

9 Item(s)