Claire Moody

  1. Coaching - Do you ever reflect on how someone greets you?

    Coaching - Do you ever reflect on how someone greets you?
    Whenever I coach, I have always kept a record on how I am greeted. It is interesting to observe what you notice by both the person who greets you and how you react by the greeting. Sometimes there are masses of energy, sometimes not, how does that affect you, what judgements do you create from this and how does this...
  2. Coaching - Why did I write my first pocket guide?

    Coaching - Why did I write my first pocket guide?
    I wrote my first guide because I was frustrated that people don't fully understand how they can improve themselves. Many don't fully understand that such minor changes will make such significant improvement in their lives and help their overall self-esteem and well-being. We can all improve ourselves significantly if we choose to. People are motivated but don't create habits that...
  3. Coaching - The Big 4

    Coaching - The Big 4
    As a coach who trains in the areas of Coaching, Mentoring and Training it is common that individuals don't really understand the difference.  It is vital to fully understand before we know how to develop people and the four areas associated with developing individuals in the workplace are known as the ‘Big 4’. Everyone involved in development needs to be aware of the differences...
  4. coaching - what is reflection?

    coaching - what is reflection?
    How often do you reflect on your day? Both, what went well and what could have been better. Reflection, I believe is one of the most rewarding and positive things you can do regardless of which area you are involved in, whether Training, Coaching or Mentoring. If it is done correctly it can adjust the way that you think, create opportunities...
  5. coaching - why managers should know coaching skills too

    coaching - why managers should know coaching skills too
    As a trainer and coach, I am very fortunate enough to meet some fantastic people.  Brilliant people who are keen to learn skills and techniques to be a better manager.  We deliver numerous management development programmes and a key to the programme are essential management skills that focus on motivation and effective communication skills.  Sometimes this involves difficult and challenging behaviour and of...
  6. coaching - tools in coaching, using G.R.O.W.

    coaching - tools in coaching, using G.R.O.W.
    There are so many techniques you can use in coaching and the common one and a very popular the first technique that is taught and it is GROW this is - Goal, Realistic, Options and Will. Everyone talks about this technique which is absolutely fantastic for setting goals, which are inspiring and challenging. These promote motivation and confidence which in turn...
  7. coaching - how do you prepare for a coaching session?

    coaching - how do you prepare for a coaching session?
    What is preparation?  We ‘all’ in our busy lives tend to rush through the day, not always giving ourselves time to prepare thoroughly for a coaching session.  Which brings me into asking ‘you’ to think about how do you prepare? What do you actually do? I have found through experience the best way to prepare is to sit for ten...
  8. coaching - staying silent as a coach, silence is golden

    coaching - staying silent as a coach, silence is golden
    Coaching is a fantastic process for individuals to improve in any area of their life, both professionally and personally. I have found since mastering my coaching skills; staying silent can be an incredible experience. I genuinely love to see the change in individuals by asking the miracle question. When you coach and watch the coachee, you start to feel what...
  9. coaching - make mistakes, mistakes are important

    coaching - make mistakes, mistakes are important
    Making mistakes is such a massive part of life, and I believe they are not dealt with correctly from an early age. This then can create a fear of making mistakes; sadly, this then continues through life. Mistakes can form negative thoughts and beliefs that will play out in peoples personal and professional lives. Making mistakes can cause self-esteem and...
  10. coaching blog - what is coaching?

    coaching blog - what is coaching?
    Coaching is a conversation between a coach and a coachee whereby the coachee achieves a higher level and understanding of awareness and self-awareness, while the coach provides a safe environment and structure for that outcome to occur.  Yes, this sounds a bit of a mouthful, but in essence, it is a process that enables learning and development to occur and...

Items 151 to 160 of 196 total