
  1. Why Leaders and Managers Need to Wake Up to Gen Z

    Why Leaders and Managers Need to Wake Up to Gen Z
    In today's rapidly evolving world, a common misconception among leaders and managers is that the way of specific industries and companies must continue without alteration. While this desire may be out of good intentions, there are several reasons why we all need to wake up to the power of Generation Z, the new generation of leaders in many of our...
  2. Convincing Your Boss to Invest in Training

    Convincing Your Boss to Invest in Training
    Understanding the importance of making a persuasive case for training investments and building a compelling case for growth. In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, continuous learning and development have become indispensable components of organisational success. Employees need to adapt to new technologies, methodologies, and market dynamics to remain competitive. As a forward-thinking professional, you understand the value of training, but...
  3. Winning Formula: What Makes a Good Trainer

    Winning Formula: What Makes a Good Trainer
    The role of a trainer is pivotal in shaping the learning experience and fostering growth in individuals. A good trainer possesses a winning formula that combines various key traits and essential skills. In this blog, we will explore the elements that contribute to the success of a good trainer and why they are vital in the training process. From effective...
  4. Don't be a PowerPoint monkey!

    Don't be a PowerPoint monkey!
    OK, it is the New Year, and goals are on everyone's mind. As per my recent post, trainers should aim to use less PowerPoint this year. Some of you may be thinking, yes, we have been told to do this, and we don't any longer! However, I can assure you it is still a thing! I want you to remember...
  5. Key elements of training structure

    Key elements of training structure
    When designing a training session, it is essential to have a structure for it to succeed. This means having a clear aim and objectives that are linked to your learning outcomes. A well-structured training session will keep participants engaged and ensure that learning objectives are met. This is why we included structure as an essential module in our Train the...
  6. The importance of course design

    The importance of course design
    When it comes to training, first impressions matter, and how a course is designed can play a significant role. That's why it's so essential for instructors to take the time to design their courses thoughtfully. We have just completed our next module on our Train the Trainer Academy, which is about course design. It will also be a standalone remote...
  7. How to calm your nerves before public speaking

    How to calm your nerves before public speaking
    It's normal to feel nervous before public speaking. After all, you want to do a good job and be well-received by your audience. We see this all the time on our Train the Trainer suite of courses and qualifications. The good news is that there are some things you can do to calm your nerves so that you can deliver...
  8. Building rapport when delivering training

    Building rapport when delivering training
    We know that rapport is essential. It's the magical feeling of trust and connection we get with someone when we feel like they really understand us. When you're delivering training, whether to a group or one-on-one, rapport is essential. Without it, participants will be less likely to engage with the material, pay attention, and retain what they've learned. So how...
  9. Being enthusiastic when delivering training

    Being enthusiastic when delivering training
    Enthusiasm is incredibly important when delivering training. Trainers who are passionate about their subject matter are more likely to engage and inspire their learners. This, in turn, leads to better training outcomes. Here's a closer look at why enthusiasm matters and how you can make sure you bring plenty of it to your next training session. Why Enthusiasm Matters...
  10. How to use confident body language

    How to use confident body language
    When delivering training or presenting to a group, it's important to be aware of the message your body language is sending. Are you conveying confidence, or are you giving off signs that make you look nervous or unsure of yourself? If you want to come across as a confident, competent trainer or presenter, it's vital to use confident body language...

Items 21 to 30 of 330 total