We are very proud to announce the launch of our dedicated Coaching and Supervision page on our website.

Coaching is becoming more critical in our world of business and personal development. This is even more relevant now during the Pandemic with many people struggling with issues that can be magnified further with increased restrictions being put into place.

We have found that one to one coaching can work better remotely if done correctly, and of course, this is where we excel with our lead coach Claire Moody providing exceptional coaching and supervision services.

Coaching can work in many areas where we are struggling or need direction and guidance in our personal and professional lives.

Supervision is essential for coaches Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Claire creates a safe space for coaches to develop.

Clients of ours come from a wide range of areas at all levels. Furthermore, coaching works with almost every issue or problem. Contact us at +44 (0)800 302 9344, and we will advise on how coaching can work for you.

You can read our dedicated Coaching and Supervision page by visiting our website here.

Claire Moody is our head coach at Target Training, and you can read more about her here.  She delivers training on all personal development, coaching and numerous training the trainer courses.