Claire Moody

  1. coaching blog - Is there something about you as a coach that invites someone in?

    coaching blog - Is there something about you as a coach that invites someone in?
    I thought I would follow on from the previous blog about why an individual has approached you. Is it out of choice, work has planted the suggestion that coaching may be a good idea or is it something about you that the individual feels comfortable with so they come to you. When reading your reflection diaries, what informs you? What...
  2. coaching blog - what do you notice when someone asks you for coaching?

    coaching blog - what do you notice when someone asks you for coaching?
    I think in life with any form meetings we do not always notice the approach of the individual and for me when they ask for a coaching session. The lack of eye contact, the feeling of being tense, embarrassed and unsure of what may come, I can see it and sense it. The positive is that the individual has asked...
  3. coaching blog - what would make a huge difference in your life if you worked on it?

    coaching blog - what would make a huge difference in your life if you worked on it?
    Have you ever thought to yourself what do I want to change, really change? Then actually address it? The biggest failure with a lot of people is holding yourself back, this then means never really working in an area you want to change, just accepting things as they are. Sometimes little changes make significant progress over time rather than one...
  4. coaching blog - do you ever feel like you are going to be found out?

    coaching blog - do you ever feel like you are going to be found out?
    Within my coaching practice, I have heard recurring patterns in the language that is used by coachees who enter the room. Here is a question to the reader have you heard yourself ever saying or thinking “it was an easy task” or discounting praise when it has been given to you, saying something like “just doing my job”.  It is so...
  5. coaching blog - it's all about how we take our information in

    coaching blog - it's all about how we take our information in
    Have you ever walked away from a meeting thinking you have agreed on something, then what you haven’t agreed starts to happen? It is all about how we take our information in. Some of us like facts, really enjoy facts and need them to hang on to. Then there are others who find facts restrict their thinking; the facts get...
  6. coaching blog - ever thought about having a whole day of positivity?

    coaching blog - ever thought about having a whole day of positivity?
    The media has a lot to be responsible for along with the IT world. All we do these days is grab our phones, read the updated messages from social media and focus on what they want us to think. To get a feeling of what's happening these days, you have to read everything. But what is it we read? Everything is...
  7. coaching blog - journey in life, a great area to reflect on, who are you?

    coaching blog - journey in life, a great area to reflect on, who are you?
    I recently found myself responding to my son in a conversation saying the words, “Be who you are and not what you think you should be”. Be an individual and someone not conditioned to be a certain way; it is all about you being you. Have you ever reflected on your journey in life how often are you... YOU? Have...
  8. coaching blog - self reflection

    coaching blog - self reflection
    What does the first twenty minutes look like for you at work, have you ever reflected on this? I feel tired this morning sitting at my desk with a cup of coffee to wake me up, and we have all been there, it is Monday. The week has just started and is moving forward, every day for me has a...
  9. coaching blog - what is a perfect day?

    coaching blog - what is a perfect day?
    How often do you walk away from work, frustrated and disappointed the day has not gone as planned? Do you ever reflect on the day and ask yourself what has happened through the day? What was good and what would you like to be different, what would you change. I think it is deeper than that when you look at the...
  10. coaching blog - coaching really is about the relationship

    coaching blog - coaching really is about the relationship
    There are various types of coaching but the one I think I had the most significant lightbulb moment with was the relational coaching, I feel a huge and sometimes misunderstood area. Most coaches when questioning the coachee think they have to get to a solution, not so. There does not need to be a result; coaching is not about you...

Items 181 to 190 of 196 total