Claire Moody

  1. Why writing journals are fantastic for change.

    Why writing journals are fantastic for change.
    Both Ralph and I both have benefitted from writing journals and know they work and how they work. We advertise journaling on all our courses, training, coaching and management courses encouraging everyone to work on something personal to them. Life is all about continuous change and growing yourself to be the best you can be. Due to the COVID-19 weeks...
  2. Low Self-Esteem Is Destructive

    Low Self-Esteem Is Destructive
    I think this is such a vast area that seems to be kept hidden in people’s closets. Lots of people struggle with low self-esteem; it is a hindrance to many. So, what is it? It is a subjective evaluation of your own worth. It creates self-beliefs that hold you back. Low self-esteem affects so many people and creates problems for...
  3. Dealing With Adversity

    Dealing With Adversity
    What an appropriate title for these unprecedented times. What is adversity? What does it mean to all of us individually? There is a cycle that people do fall into the trap off. That is when faced with a tough situation (the adversity) we create a belief (usually negative), then the consequence is negative. You can change that cycle if you...
  4. Self Confidence - an essential key skill

    Self Confidence - an essential key skill
    Confidence is an essential part of life, and if we don't feel confident about undertaking something or indeed optimistic in our abilities, it can cause serious issues.  What is Self Confidence? The three drivers of Self Confidence are 1) Confidence in others, 2) Confidence in one’s own capabilities, and 3) Confidence in life. This is where it all starts; Self Confidence...
  5. Are you stuck?

    Are you stuck?
    Stuck in life, that routine you do every day, those words "still here, Monday morning feeling" I often hear words like that in my clients. What about your personal life, stuck there, same house, same walks, same shops? Sometimes you must ask yourself "Why do I continue to do the same things when I would like to change them?" I...
  6. What is coaching culture?

    What is coaching culture?
    Having quite a lot of experience coaching, supervising and mentoring the biggest mistake I see with people is in the understanding of what coaching is. I am a firm believer coaching takes time to understand and master, a seriously long time. It is not about tick box coaching, in other words coaching by numbers just like painting like numbers. Coaching...
  7. Why managers should know coaching skills too

    Why managers should know coaching skills too
    As a trainer and coach, I am very fortunate enough to meet some fantastic people.  Brilliant people who are keen to learn skills and techniques to be a better manager.  We deliver numerous management development programmes and a key to the programme are essential management skills that focus on motivation and effective communication skills.  Sometimes this involves difficult and challenging behaviour, and of...
  8. New Year – New Change Day 31

    New Year – New Change Day 31
    It is over, well done, what a journey but remember this is just the beginning. You are amazing, you have great skills, believe it. You will have a great value system and you will have great strengths. Ok, your last task; this is your chance to take yourself forward. Sit down for a few minutes and write where you want...
  9. New Year – New Change Day 30

    New Year – New Change Day 30
    I do hope you wrote a journal, sounds corny, but hey it works and in life, we only have one, make the most of it. Be you, do you want to be proactive or reactive? Nothing in life comes to you, you have to go get it, and change it. Life is a journey, choose your direction, don’t let it...
  10. New Year – New Change Day 29

    New Year – New Change Day 29
    Pat yourself on the back, it is OK to feel emotional. This is the time to feel gratitude towards yourself and others, say "Thank you", this creates such a positive feeling about yourself. Always pat yourself on the back, say “Well done”, this is great to keep moving forward and write what that experience feels like and where you are...

Items 111 to 120 of 196 total