
  1. Coaching supervision

    Coaching supervision
    There are so many coaches and different coaching certificates that it is difficult to decide where to go to receive quality coaching. Most importantly, where do the coaches go to develop? I think it is essential to understand “what is a good coach” and “what is a good supervisor”. The main point of this blog is who looks after the...
  2. The power of decision making

    The power of decision making
    I recently made a decision that had been long coming but took a while to make. Once I made this and then acted on this, the feeling afterwards I cannot underestimate. The power of making the choice I made created a shift in my outlook. The fascinating thing is once this was made the avenues and roads just seemed to...
  3. Reflection and self-exploration

    Reflection and self-exploration
    The power of reflection cannot be underestimated. Reflective thinking helps us plan and gives us an insight that we may miss. It is an integral part of the learning process; it allows us to learn more about ourselves. Reflecting enables us to learn and grow by stepping back and thinking. It is a valuable skill that can help you in...
  4. How do you deal with the elephant in the room?

    How do you deal with the elephant in the room?
    How often do you think about what is not being said in a conversation? I think this is such a huge area that people miss in a conversation let alone how to deal with it. In coaching, when you are trained well, you learn to pay attention to your instinct. Just for a second think about how many times you...
  5. Just do it!

    Just do it!
    There is absolutely no doubt that we all have fantastic power, yes we can change our lives in an instant. What a tremendous feeling that is, to know that you can change your life in a split second and that no one can stop you, once you recognise this fact then you are on the road to truly sorting yourself out...
  6. Positive, Mental Attitude

    Positive, Mental Attitude
    What is a positive mental attitude? There is a recurring theme in life that if you have a more positive mental attitude that you will be more successful, healthy, happier, and have more energy to deal with the adversity that life throws at you. From my performance coaching background, this is a mindset I have helped and guided others to...
  7. Training, it’s really about changing habits

    Training, it’s really about changing habits
    I am fortunate, and I get to deliver training to some fantastic people and most want to learn skills.  It could be skilled on how to be a great leader or an excellent trainer.  People come to training to learn skills, and I understand that I like learning skills too.  However, the reality is something different, and when you understand...
  8. Confidence

    Confidence is such a vast area in all of us, have you ever reflected on how confident you are already, flipping it to a positive from a negative, thinking about it differently. In my coaching practice, confidence appears so often. I think sometimes people don't realise how confident they are already. The word confidence is interpreted in so many ways...
  9. What is shame?

    What is shame?
    Have you ever thought about what your shame is? We all carry shame in some way, for example, feeling embarrassed and guilty about something. Your belief system of not feeling good enough or others are better than you is not a nice feeling. As a coach, you need to be aware when your client sat in front of you the...
  10. Beirut - they need our help

    Beirut - they need our help
    I am fortunate I have been able to travel to some fantastic parts of our planet both for please and work. Working overseas is always an excellent experience for me; you get to experience different cultures and meet some fantastic people along the way. Without a doubt, the best place I have worked in is Beirut. I remember the first...

Items 81 to 90 of 171 total