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August 2019
training - the 5 pillars of instruction
On our Train the Trainer courses we talk about the 5 pillars of instruction all the time. They are the pillars that highly effective training is all about. In many organisations, these pillars are used as a process for measuring the competence of trainers. Accompanied by effective trainer development, focus on these areas significantly improves training. When you have poor... -
management - worker to supervisor
There is no doubt that getting promoted from worker to supervisor or manager can be very stressful for an individual. This can be particularly stressful if you get promoted and still work in the area you were before. I have spoken to many people who find this very stressful, and I know it can be daunting. So what areas can we focus... -
news - management programme makes an open comeback
Our highly acclaimed Foundation Management Development Programme (FMDP) makes a comeback as an open course next year. The course is perfect for individuals who are new to management or have been in management for a while and need to develop their management skills. The ILM accredited programme has a number of key areas delivered in several modules over a 4-month... -
coaching - staying silent as a coach, silence is golden
Coaching is a fantastic process for individuals to improve in any area of their life, both professionally and personally. I have found since mastering my coaching skills; staying silent can be an incredible experience. I genuinely love to see the change in individuals by asking the miracle question. When you coach and watch the coachee, you start to feel what... -
training - when I really learnt to throw the monkey
“That was rubbish, I’m not as good at this as I thought” was my first realisation that I needed to work hard to become an excellent trainer. I was quite sure of myself you see; having worked as a trainer for years at a training school, the way we delivered the training wasn’t massively challenging in my opinion. Looking back... -
management - good at your job v good as a manager
Many individuals get promoted at work because they are good at their job. What can then follow is a real struggle to get to terms with their new role, not because they struggle with the job, but that they struggle with their role as a manager. Being an excellent manager requires many skills, including the ability to motivate, delegate and... -
coaching - make mistakes, mistakes are important
Making mistakes is such a massive part of life, and I believe they are not dealt with correctly from an early age. This then can create a fear of making mistakes; sadly, this then continues through life. Mistakes can form negative thoughts and beliefs that will play out in peoples personal and professional lives. Making mistakes can cause self-esteem and... -
training - every good trainer uses these magic powers to make learning happen
Have you ever thought about the best Trainer you have ever seen and what made them so successful? I often think about those trainers that influenced me and the reasons why I wanted to try and train like them. I’ve been so lucky to have worked with some fantastic Trainers, and I’ve managed to figure out why they are so... -
management blog - meetings...what a waste of time
We deliver many courses where issues relating to meetings take centre stage. On average, I believe that 80% of individuals, particular managers, say they have problems with meetings, they think they would save a massive amount of time if they weren’t invited. Moreover, many say that attending the meeting is a waste of time because nothing happens anyway. What happens is that we...