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June 2020
Reflection in your work role
I recently did a journal for teachers to reflect on their work role. How many of us do this, reflect on our work? I wrote the journal looking at reflection from a teacher's role, what their experiences of the day were and how could they change areas for the next time. That made me think that people still have not... -
Effective virtual and online delivery
Over the last few months, we have had to learn to deliver online training better. Online training delivery uses modern technology and the ability to deliver training using information technology can reinforce key messages and therefore make it a great way of getting your message across. Unfortunately, poor use of information technology can add to the confusion and if we... -
One to One online - benefits
We are having a great deal of interest in our ability to adapt our training courses. Since the start of lockdown, we have been delivering online training, and we have learnt how to provide it correctly. It requires a particular skill set, and I am personally very proud of how we have adapted to accommodate. One thing that has particularly... -
We all have the same amount of TIME
Time is a precious resource to us all and for all organisations. It is one of the few levellers, as time is the same for all of us; no matter what our role in the organisation. It's just how people choose to use it that differs, whether a manager, team leader, supervisor or any other member of staff we all need... -
What would you least like others to know about you.
When you look at yourself, really look at yourself a good question to ask is “What I don’t want to write about” This is a beneficial exercise to do as a coach. To recognise some areas in yourself, you would least like your client to know about. It is a really strange feeling to admit your faults, but as a... -
Presentation skills
Public speaking is the most common of all phobias 75% of people suffer from speech anxiety, that is 3 out of 4 individuals suffer from anxiety when public speaking. I remember reading an article that said that some people fear public speaking over death! This morning I delivered an online session on presentations and gave the delegates some keys skills... -
Building rapport in your training sessions is like climbing a hill
A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Colin and Jean in a very snowy Aberdeen. Although they had never met, it turned that they shared an off-shore connection with common colleagues and friends, so rapport built quickly with them once the ‘ice’ had been broken. Getting rapport built quickly in your room is so... -
Managing remotely tips
We're in a situation we more and more of us are managing staff remotely. Before COVID-19 remote working was on the up, more and more people were working other than their normal workplace either at home or in a remote location. As COVID continues, the reality is that it is likely to be the norm for many people in... -
Shame, we all carry it but never talk about it.
Shame is a word that people prefer not to pay attention to; people prefer to keep it hidden. The problem is that it becomes much more powerful, staying silent. The first question “What is shame to you”? Once you establish this you then need to ask yourself where does this come from, whose voices do you hear when shame creeps...